Climate Change

Sail Training

Sail Training...

Introduction to Sailing
1 live-aboard weekend

Competent Crew
2 live-aboard weekends

Yachtmaster Practical
Exam Coaching live-aboard weekends

RYA Theory...

RYA Yachtmaster Theory
3 weekends 8-4pm

RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Theory
10 4-hr standalone modules

Ocean Sailing...

Mate of Watch Course will be available on the
Sydney-New Caledonia passage in September 2023
And again on the New Caledonia-Bundaberg passage in October

Yachtmaster Ocean Qualifier will be available on the
Sydney-New Caledonia passage in September 2023
And again on the New Caledonia-Bundaberg passage in October
* See pricing note at foot of page

Important Information

Sailing Calendar

What you get for your money

Training weekend information

Student reviews

Global Ethics

Training enquiry form

Your chosen video will show here

Watch selected YouTube videos on aspects of Climate Change

Greenland's Icesheet melts - • Ocean Acidification - • Why climate change makes extreme weather worse

How Greenhouse gases work - • DIY CO2 heat experiment

Wow! Why are Plankton the Most Vital Organisms on Earth

The Ocean Is Running Out of Fish. - • Crisis in the world's fisheries

Methods for assessing world surface temperatures - • Ocean Surface air temperatures

JPMorgan's 2020 report:
Risky business: the climate and the macroeconomy (2020-01-14)

Click image to download the full report

Why we take Climate Change seriously

Rising sea level

If the most powerful military nation in the world is taking Climate Change seriously, then maybe we should be too?

Since 2011, the UK and US governments have been planning how to deal the political aspects of sea-level rise resulting from Climate Change.

Read the report National Security Implications for US Naval Forces. Page 43, for example says:

"The CNA study of 2007 and the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) noted that climate change is likely to be an accelerant of instability. A similar document from the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence noted that climate change is “likely to be most severe where it coincides with other stresses such as poverty, demographic growth and resource shortages.”

Increasing mass migrations can occur as a result of resource shortfall, conflict, or sea-level rise, all of which are likely to increase with climate change. Recent estimates are that in 2050 the world’s population will be 9 billion people, and that 200 million people could be newly mobilized as climate migrants due to climate change effects.

These mass migration increases will not only affect the humanitarian assistance requirements of the naval forces, but could also result in instability as well as unrest and regional conflict. One possible outflow of these events is the evacuation of U.S. citizens in the impacted region and rendering of assistance in quelling unrest."

Have Climate Change predictions been realised over the last 20 years?

NASA study says yes

For decades, people have legitimately wondered how well climate models perform in predicting future climate conditions. Based on solid physics and the best understanding of the Earth system available, they skillfully reproduce observed data. Nevertheless, they have a wide response to increasing carbon dioxide levels, and many uncertainties remain in the details. The hallmark of good science, however, is the ability to make testable predictions, and climate models have been making predictions since the 1970s. How reliable have they been?

Now a new evaluation of global climate models used to project Earth’s future global average surface temperatures over the past half-century answers that question: most of the models have been quite accurate.

Read the report here

Ocean Sailing

Sydney - New Caledonia

22nd September - 6th October
New Caledonia - Bundaberg

28th October - 10th November

14 day RYA Ocean Yachtmaster Qualifier - $2100 AUD

Fun Sailing
Sail Training

Sail The Pacific Lagoons of New Caledonia

8th - 27th October

3 x 7 days cruises of fun sailing, mile-building and maybe some training - $1150 AUD

Sail The Great Barrier Reef

14th - 30th November

2 x 7 days cruises of fun sailing, mile-building and maybe some training - $1150 AUD

Coastal Sailing

Mackay - Southport

2nd December - 8th December
Southport - Sydney

9th December - 16th December

2x 7 day RYA Yachtmaster mile-builders - $1050 AUD

* See pricing note at foot of page